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Nettex Nutri Dops
By NETTEX - [ Back to shop ]
A fast acting pick-me-up packed full of vitamins and minerals and extra B vitamins to help support birds in stressful situations. The support is rapid and noticeable.
- Instant energy source for weak birds (energy levels may be seen to be improved in as little as 30 minutes)
- Provides immune supporting vitamins during periods of environmental stress e.g. when feed intake is depressed at high temperatures
- Helps support peak egg production at times when maximum stamina and energy are required
- Helps support the bird during periods of stress, for example during vaccination, handling and follow- ing antibiotic treatment when feed absorption can be disrupted
- Helps support appetite and feed efficiency
- Aids in the preparation for onset of lay
- Consider using when introducing a new bird to an established flock, as this is a very stressful experience for a bird.
Size | 30ml
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